Radon Mitigation


A certified radon mitigator is a qualified contractor who can determine the appropriate radon reduction method and perform the necessary modifications to reduce the level of radon in your home.


Some methods for reducing the rate at which radon enters the home include: sealing radon entry points in the basement walls and floors and other surfaces in contact with the earth; reversing the direction of the flow of radon entry pathways by pressurizing your home with a fan; or, inserting suction pipes and a fan into the soil beneath the house to release radon gas into the outdoor air.

The cost to correct most homes with elevated radon levels is about $1,200 - $1,500. The State Health Department's Radon Program can supply names of certified radon mitigators in your area who can assess the problem and make the necessary repairs. Call 1-800-458-1158 toll-free for more information.

Contact CNY Coalition For Healthy Indoor Air today to learn more.

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